In Belgium there are a lot of smaller villages with an odd and sometimes even rich football history. Waremme (Borgworm in Dutch) is one of those.

Stade Waremmien was first founded in 1921 and has just finished its 66th season in the national leagues. 8 of those seasons were even played in second division, but for 30 seasons the team played in third division. These days (after a fall back to the regional divisions) the team is playing in fourth national division. They just lost the play offs so they have to start in fourth division again next season, hoping to reach third division again with great ambition.

The village is located in the midst of green surroundings and it almost looks like a dream to live in; peaceful and quiet. That must have been the reason why Jean-Marie Abeels and Guy Vandersmissen played there for a while and why the late and great Raymond Goethals was coach there in the late 50s.

Waremmien always played on the same pitch which has grown into the Stade Edmond Leburton. Between 2010 and 2012 the stadium was completely renovated. The pitch was moved closer to the grandstand allowing a small practice pitch to be installed. There used to be an athletics course track around the pitch, which still can be seen when you look at the remainings of the terracing and the plants which have been planted on the olde terracing; going in a perfect bow around the old athletics course track.
