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GROUND // Stadion Heienbeek - VK Veldkanteva's

In the middle of the known stadiums of Vilvoorde, Machelen, Humbeek, Grimbergen and Diegem there is one little hidden treasure. If it wasn't for women's football this hidden gem would have been a lost ground - or even worse... demolished already.

Back in 1936 SportKring Verbrande Brug was created. Although there might have been some ambition at one point, it was clear SK Verbrande Brug was a team for pure leisure and fun. Later on, when WWII broke out, the team ceased to exist. But the spirit was kept alive as in 1957 SK Verbrande Brug was back - this time as SportKlub Verbrande Brug.

Both teams never made it to the national leagues. They almost literally lived in the shadow of the bigger teams in the neighbourhood. It's also unknown is SportKring ever played in the Stadion Heienbeek, but we do know for a fact SportKlub started playing there since the very beginning. SK Verbrande Brug went up and down a bit in the regional leagues, but most of their existence they played in the lower regional leagues.

In 2013 however it was decided to cease all activities. We're not sure if this was a financial reason or just a lack of interest with the big TV football monster, but the truth usually is a mixture of everything. Pretty much immediately the neighbouring KFC Humbeek started using the Stadion Heienbeek for training purposes. Unfortunately after a year they left the stadium again.

In 2014 then the women's football team VK Veldkanteva's decided to move to the abandoned stadium. It looks like the time was created somewhere between 1971 and 1974 and led a fairly quiet existence in the regional leagues throughout the decades. Same story now, but since five years in a "new" stadium. And we sure are glad they moved as the Stadion Heienbeek is a very charming little stadium, situated right next to the bridge that gave the small village and the earlier team its name.

Very little people know both Heienbeek and Verbrande Brug are actually referring to the exact same neighbourhood within Grimbergen. Originally named Heienbeek, but later also known as Verbrande Brug due to the act of the Spanish inhabitants in 1577. They burned the newly built bridge in order to avoid the Geuzen (enemies of the Spanish in that time) from attacking them. The last couple of years it has been decided everything needs to make way so the industry in that region can expand. Sooner or later we believe this ground will face the same unfortunately.


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