In the Belgian province of Luxembourg you can find a well maintained lost ground. Transinne, part of Libin, hasn't had the greatest succes in football through the years though. It even has to live without it these days. Get ready for a short overview.

The first signs of football in Transinne appeared in 1927. Football Club Transinnois didn't sustain for a long time though as after only two years they already ceased all activities. In those two years, they didn't manage to reach the national divisions. But the tone was set for the future. Because ten years after the first attempt, Etoile Sportive Transinne was created. They managed to survive a little bit longer, but had to stop playing football as well in 1948. Without a doubt WWII had something to do with it, but in those eleven years they didn't reach the national divisions either. This time the village had to wait for thirteen years for football to return.

Attempt number three followed in 1961. Etoile Sportive Transinnoise started and a year later they joined the Belgian FA. But once again, it didn't last long. In 1963 already, they stopped everything. Again no national divisions, but that wouldn't have been possible in only one year. A fourth attempt seemed to be a lot more successful. In 1971 Etoile Sportive Transinnoise came back (same name - same game). They immediately joined the FA and now everything looked great. No national football either for them, but instead wonderful lower league fun in combination with the typical Wallonian barbecues.
But again Transinne ended up having no football. After 46 years the story was told and ES Transinnoise ceased to exist in 2017. In the meantime there hasn't been any football for four years straight now. Granted, the neighbouring Etoile Sportive Wellinoise is trying as they seem to be making use of the facilities in the Rue du Couvent in Transinne occasionally. Although it's not mentioned as an official stadium for ES Wellin. At the moment it doesn't like there will be a new team in Transinne any time soon, but who knows... a fifth attempt might be the everlasting one.

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