While we were in Roeselare to visit KSV Roeselare, we also took the liberty to pass by the grounds of KSV De Ruiter Roeselare. A wonderful place in the open fields, containing a beautiful grandstand, that's what we like!
During the 30s there already were some local unofficial teams playing the game in De Ruiter, a neighbourhood in Roeselare. WWII however made sure they all had to concentrate on other things and football life ceased to exist. After the great war though SV De Ruiter was officially created. Initially the name was De Groene Duivels (The Green Devils), but soon after it was changed into SV De Ruiter. In 1948 they also joined the Belgian FA under that name.
Since that year the team would always play in the regional leagues in West Flanders, going up and down quite a bit. Up until 1962 the team stayed in the lowest regional league (by that time they had also moved into their current location), but during the 60s De Ruiter would experience highs and lows. In two years time they promoted to the second highest regional league, but the following two years the team would make the opposite move. The 70s would be more or less the same, albeit it with a slower pace. In 1976 they were back in the second highest league, but by the time it was 1983 they were back in the lowest league. All this time they also had the dark cloud of a merger above their heads. Some of the board were in favour, but as it goes with these kind of stories not everyone felt the same. In the end the merger never happened. It's also not immediately clear with which team they would merge.
In 1989 they returned once again in the second highest league, but after one year already they returned and all throughout the 90s it was an up and down between the third and fourth regional league. The new millennium though brought new ambitions. In 2006 they went to the third league. In 2008 they came back to the second league and then finally in 2011 they hit the top regional league. It became even better when they were able to qualify for the interregional play offs in 2014. Sadly enough they didn't make it to the national leagues.
In the meantime the team fell back to the second highest regional league. But still, after all these years, KSV De Ruiter keeps pulling the youth card. One of the most known former players is definitely Jurgen Sierens. He had a career that brought him to Lokeren, KV Oostende, FC Brussels and mainly KSV Roeselare.
It's a shame the name De Groene Duivels never stuck, but nevertheless this is for sure a must visit. Not your typical lower league ground with a magnificent grand stand, but located in your typical lower league environment - the open fields. Lovely sight!